A Catamaran
Selsey, Sussex. At 10.20 on the morn- ing of the 14th July, 1961, the coast- guard informed the honorary secretary that a yacht had burnt flares about a mile south-east of Selsey. A strong west- south-westerly wind was blowing, and the sea was very rough. At 10.37 the life-boat Canadian Pacific was launched.
The tide was flooding. The life-boat came up with the vessel in distress, which proved to be a catamaran, about four miles south-east of Selsey Bill. The catamaran had been using her engine and her position had changed consider- ably from that in which she had first been reported in distress. Six people were on board the catamaran, and she had become unmanageable through losing her starboard rudder. The life- boat towed the catamaran into Little- hampton and then returned to her station, arriving at 5.45..