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The Weather Ship Weather Adviser

Troon, Ayrshire. At 3.10 on the morn- ing of the 6th May, 1961, the meteoro- logical office at Prestwick airport in- formed the honorary secretary that the weather ship Weather Adviser, on passage to the Clyde, had reported a man overboard between Holy Isle and Cumbrae. The Kildonan coastguard was telephoned, but no further news could be obtained. A moderate south- erly wind was blowing with a choppy sea, but the weather was deteriorating.

The wind increased in force and the sea became very rough. At 3.50 the life- boat Charlotte Elizabeth, on temporary duty at the station, put to sea on a flooding tide. Soon after the life-boat had left for Holy Isle news was received that the man had fallen overboard six miles south of Cumbrae light, and the coastguard redirected the life-boat. On reaching the position she found thatthe Weather Adviser had launched two of her own boats and that the ferry Glen Bauciox, a coaster, a cable ship and the Royal Ulsterman were search- ing. Two U.S.A.F. amphibious air- craft from Prestwick joined in the search together with a helicopter from Leuchars.

Visibility became very poor, weather conditions worsened to gale force, and the aircraft and helicopter returned to their bases. The life-boat searched for five hours but did not find the man, and returned to her station, arriving at 11.30..