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The Right Hon. The Lord Winster, P.C., K.C.M.G.

THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD WINSTER, P.C., K.C.M.G., died on the 8th June, 1961, at the age of 76. He joined the Committee of Management of the Insti- tution in 1932, and was elected a Vice- President in 1955.

He was at one time Minister of Civil Aviation, and Governor of Cyprus from 1946 to 1949. Before his elevation to the peerage he was Commander Reginald T. H. Fletcher, R.N. (Retd.), and had sat in the House of Commons, first as a Liberal and then as a Labour member.

He served in destroyers in the firstworld war, and after the war was for three years at the Admiralty on the Naval General Staff as head of the Near- Eastern section of the Naval Intelligence Division. He was recognised as an authority on naval strategy, about which he wrote extensively..