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Royal Ceremony at Broughty Ferry

H.R.H. Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, President of the Institution, named the new life-boat at a ceremony held at Broughty Ferry on Monday, May 15th, 1961. In her speech Princess Marina said:— "I can assure you that I am especially glad to be here today for several reasons. First to pay my personal tribute to the gallant men who gave their lives in the disaster here at Broughty Ferry in 1959. Then to thank and to meet the men who so quickly and so unselfishly volunteered to take their places as officers and members of the crew, and finally to take part in this memorable occasion of naming your new life-boat.

" The life-boat service has changed and is changing in many ways, but there is one vital aspect of the service which remains constant and true. That is, of course, the courage and endurance of the men who man our life-boats. You here at Broughty Ferry must be particularly proud of the fact that immediately after the disaster more than enough men came forward to serve as others had done before them.

"Scotland has indeed a splendid record of achievement and I know that the Broughty Ferry station will continue to uphold the best traditions of the life- boat service".

Captain W. F. Keay, President of the Dundee branch, presided and a des- cription of the new life-boat was given by Lieut.-Commander W. L. G. Dutton, Chief Inspector of Life-boats.

Earl Howe, Chairman of the Com- mittee of Management of the Institution, handed the life-boat over to the branch and she was received by Mr. A. R. Young, honorary secretary of the branch.

The service of dedication was con- ducted by the Rev. Ronald S. Thomson, Minister of St. Stephen's Parish Church, Broughty Ferry, assisted by the Rev.

Malcolm A. Ritchie, Minister of St.

James's Parish Church.

Musical selections were given by the band of the Tay Division, R.N.R., and the singing was led by the W.R.N.R.

of Tay Division..