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Photographic Competition

THE Institution is holding a competition for the best photograph of a life-boat, a life-boat station, or an actual rescue.

The competition is open to members of life-boat crews, branch members and officials, and members of the Institu- tion's staff, and the following prizes are offered:— For the best 35-mm. colour- transparency - - - £10 For the best black-and-white photograph ... £10 The winning photographs will become the Institution's property. Other trans- parencies and photographs will be re- turned, if requested, and acknowledg- ment will be made if they are used in the Institution's publications.

The closing date for entries is the 30th of March, 1962. Photographs should be sent to the Secretary of the Institution and envelopes marked "Photographic Competition".

Prizes will be awarded only if in the opinion of the Institution the best entries reach the necessary standard,.