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Galway Bay, Co. Galway. At one o'clock on the afternoon of the 8th May, 1961, when the life-boat Mabel Marion Thompson put off in response to a call from the police at Louisburgh, Co.

Mayo, there was a strong west-north- westerly wind blowing with a rough sea and ebbing tide. The message had stated that a man on the island ofInishturk was seriously ill. As weather conditions were not suitable for a local boat to put out, the assistance of the life-boat had been requested. The life- boat embarked a doctor at Inishboffin at 7.30 and reached Inishturk at nine.

The patient was taken by the life-boat to Cleggan, which was reached at 12.15 the next morning, and transferred to a waiting ambulance. The life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at 8.15..