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New Ways of Raising Money

MR. Duncan Darroch, a regular and most generous supporter of the Institu- tion in Mount Cook, New Zealand, who has a life-boat collecting box there which brings the Institution appreciable sums of money, recently sold one of his pictures to an American lady, who lives in Honolulu. He gave the entire pro- ceeds of the sale to the Institution.

Mrs. Cudlipp of Reigate and Redhill supplied tea to a party of Whitsun travellers and instead of making a charge drew attention to the life-boat collecting box.

Miss Nora Balls, of Crewe Lodging, Bamburgh Castle, instead of taking a fee for lecturing, asks Women's In- stitutes to make a donation to the life- boat service.

* * * * Mr. Mason of Brancaster lent his Belgian fairground organ to a local organisation on condition that ten per cent of the takings were given to the R.N.L.I.

* * * * Mrs. Doggart of Selsey lets her Father Christmas outfit and set of skittles out on hire on behalf of the R.N.L.I..