Walmer, Kent. At 3.18 on the after- noon of the 20th May, 1961, the coast- guard informed the honorary secretary that he had seen from the cliff-top at St. Margaret's two canoeists capsize about a mile off shore in choppy seas.
A converted life-boat rescued them but another canoe was seen to overturn further to the north, throwing its crew of two into the sea. The flood tide carried them rapidly northwards. At 3.24 the life-boat Charles Dibdin, (Civil Service No. 32) was launched in a strong northerly wind and a moderate sea. She found two empty canoes one mile off the North Foreland cliffs and later the two canoeists were seen on the rocks under the cliffs near the Royal Marine rifle range at Deal. The life-boat sent a radio message asking that the firing be stopped and for help to be sent from the range. A party of Royal Marines arrived with stretchers and blankets and took the canoeists to Deal hospital.
The life-boat returned to her station with the two canoes, arriving at 5.30..