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A Pram Dinghy and Coral Star

Bembridge, Isle of Wight. At 11.9 on the night of 21st April, 1961, the coast- guard informed the honorary secretary that two men had been reported to have left Cowes pontoon in an 8-ft. pram dinghy for their ship in Cowes Roads, and there was anxiety for their safety.

There was a south-westerly breeze with a slight sea. The tide was flooding. At 1.15 in the morning the life-boat Jesse Lumb was launched. At 4.58 a message was received that an air search was also being carried out.After seven hours the search for the missing men was aban- doned, and at six o'clock news was received that the British ship Chupra had picked up the yacht Coral Star in distress and was towing her to the Nab Tower. As the Chupra wished to be re- lieved of the tow, the life-boat altered course to the Nab Tower. The Coral Star was taken in tow by the life-boat and brought to Bembridge, arriving at nine o'clock..