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A French Trawler

Sennen Cove, Cornwall; and St.

Mary's, Scilly Islands. At 8.12 on the evening of the 28th June, 1961, the coastguard informed the Sennen Cove honorary secretary that the Southern Rescue Coordination Centre at Ply- mouth had asked if the life-boat could put to sea to stand by while a helicopter flew a doctor to a French trawler, which was east-south-east of the Scilly Isles and had a sick man aboard. The tide was ebbing, and there was a very light south-westerly wind with a smooth sea.

At 8.28 the life-boat Susan Ashley was launched. The helicopter met the traw- ler, and the sick man was taken off.

When the helicopter was back over the land the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 12.15, but because of the tide she had to remain off shore for several hours before rehousing.

Meanwhile the St. Mary's life-boat had also been alerted and had been launched at 8.29. She met the French trawler about seven miles south of St. Mary's.

The life-boat circled the trawler until the sick man was hoisted into the helicopter. This was done from a float on to which the doctor had been lowered. The life-boat then put the doctor aboard the trawler. The heli- copter returned to Land's End with the sick man, and the doctor returned to Newlyn in the trawler. The St. Mary's life-boat Guy and Clare Hunter reached her station at 10.50..