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The S.S. Martaban

The Mumbles, Glamorganshire. At 3.55 early on the morning of the llth of March, 1961, the coastguard in- formed the honorary secretary that the s.s. Martaban, whose position was eight miles south-by-west of Mumbles Head, had a fire in one of her holds but did not need help immediately. At 5.36, when the life-boat William Gammon—Man- chester and District XXX was launched, there was a fresh west-south-westerly wind with a corresponding sea and an ebb tide. The life-boat reached the Mar- taban, who was then anchored two miles south-west of Mumbles Head, at 5.55.

She stood by until 8.5 and then escorted the steamer to Swansea docks, which were reached at 9.45. The life-boat then returned to her station..