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The Haisbro' Lightvessel

Cromer, Norfolk. At 8.23 on the morn- ing of the 16th of February, 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary sec- retary that a vessel had collided with the Haisbro' lightvessel, which was sinking. At 8.32, when the No. 1 life- boat Henry Blogg was launched, there were light south-westerly airs with a smooth sea. It was one hour after high water, and there was dense fog. The life- boat reached the lightvessel at 9.50 and found that the tanker Wave Chief had transferred a number of her crew to the lightvessel to help stop the water flow- ing in. Some of the b'fe-boat's crew were also put on board to help. About an hour later the Trinity House vessel Mer- maid reached the scene, and some of her crew too, boarded the damaged light- vessel. Later the life-boat transferred a pump from the tanker to the lightvessel.

She then escorted the Wave Chief's boat back to her. At 11.30 the b'ghtvessel was considered to be sufficiently seaworthy for towing, and this was undertaken by the Mermaid. The life-boat returned to her station at two o'clock..