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Broughty Ferry, Angus. At 8.20 on the evening of the 18th of January. 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a vessel was ashore south- east of Tentsmuir Point to the south of Tay entrance, and that she was in a dangerous position. A strong south- south-easterly wind was blowing with a very rough sea. It was dark, and visibility was bad. At 8.28 the life-boat The Robert was launched on an ebbing tide. She found the small motor vessel Tasman ashore but could not reach her from the northern side because of a sandbank in between. The coxswain then decided to approach the Tasman from the south. Sea conditions were very bad, and again it was not possible to reach the Tasman, which had extinguished her lights. The life-boat then returned over the Tay bar and eventually succeeded in reaching the Tasman from the north. She stood by until the Tasman floated off on the rising tide and escorted her through a safe channel into the Tay undamaged.

Owing to the weather conditions the life-boat was berthed in Dundee har- bour and did not return to her station until 1.30 the following afternoon..