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Portrait on the Cover

THE portrait on the cover is of Cox- swain Patrick Power of Dunmore East.

He first joined the Dunmore East crew in 1925, became bowman in 1928 and second coxswain in 1934. He was appointed coxswain in January, 1947.

Since he has served with Dunmore East life-boats, they have been launched on service 79 times and have rescued 110 lives. Coxswain Power was awarded his first bronze medal for gallantry for the rescue of the crew of seven of a motor trawler in 1941, and his first clasp to the medal for the rescue of the crew of five of a fishing boat in December, 1950. A full account of the service for which he was awarded his second clasp, when the Dunmore East life-boat rescued a man from a barge in October, 1960, appeared in the March 1961 number of the Life- boat on page 5. The photograph is re- produced by courtesy of Mr. A. West- cott-Pitt..