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New Ways of Raising Money

Mr. George Mason of the Cross Keys Hotel, Llandudno, filled his bar counters with daffodils on St. David's Day and asked all those who took one to make a contribution in the life-boat collecting box.

* * * * The girls of Queen Anne Grammar School, York, have formed their own life-boat guild, and one of the ways in which they raise money for the life- boat service is by cleaning cars and bicycles belonging to their friends.

* * * * Mr. Duncan Darroch, a regular and most generous supporter of the Institu- tion in Mount Cook, New Zealand, who has a life-boat collecting box which brings the Institution appreciable sums of money, recently sold one of the pictures which he paints to an American lady, who lives in Honolulu. He gave the entire proceeds of the sale to the Institution.

* * * * Mr. W. L. Whalley, a master at King Edward's School, Birmingham, sent a contribution made up partly from halfpennies charged for refilling fount- ain pens in his classroom.

* * * * The Hove Travel Agency recently gave a showing of a travel film. No charge was made for admission, but a collection on behalf of the life-boat service was held.

* * * * Mr. H. J. da Fonseca, who is over 85 years old and who is the father of the honorary secretary of the Grange-over- Sands branch, Lancashire, runs his own stall every year at the branch's bring- and buy and coffee morning. He sells only articles which he himself has made during the year from scraps of metal, sea shells, bits of iron and wire, and picture postcards with which he makes calendars.

* * * * Mr. Brian Hicks, honorary secretary of the Brierley Hill branch, Stafford- shire, who is an innkeeper, bought thirty-six beer glasses of an unusual design. Customers were allowed to pay for the privilege of having their own numbered glass, all the money going to branch funds.

The Tenterden branch has organised a boat trip up the Thames, all proceeds of which will go to the Institution's funds.

* * * * Mrs. A. G. Doggart, honorary secre- tary and treasurer of the Selsey Ladies Life-boat Guild, regularly holds a hat sale lasting a week, hats being provided from a wide area. All the takings go to guild funds.

* * * * At a recent mounted gymkhana and pet show organised in aid of the Institution's funds at Watton, Norfolk, prizes were given for the dog whose tail wagged best and also for the best conditioned pet.

A motor car dealer in Co. Dublin collected over £100 in eight weeks in his box, largely by calling attention to it when the sale of a car was completed, contributions being made when there was a final concession of price, or a difference was settled by the tossing of a coin..