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New Members of the Committee of Management

SIR Charles Baring, Bt, Colonel F. F.

B. St. George, C.V.O., and Mr. Norman E. Wales have joined the Committee of Management of the Institution.

Sir Charles Baring is the son of Sir Godfrey Baring who served on the Com- mittee for forty-five years and was Chair- man from 1923 to 1956. Sir Charles, who was educated at Eton, served with the Coldstream Guards in both wars and in the last war was attached to a special- duty squadron of the Royal Air Force supplying partisan groups in Yugoslavia and Italy. After the war he was ap- pointed Inspector, Probation Branch, Home Office. He is a J.P. and Deputy Chairman of the Isle of Wight County Council, Chairman of the Visiting Com- mittee, H.M. Prison, Winchester, and a member of the Advisory Board, H.M.

Prison, Parkhurst.

Colonel St. George served in The Life Guards from 1927 to 1936 and later from 1945 to 1950. He saw wartime ser- vice first with the Royal Wiltshire Yeo- manry and later with the First House- hold Cavalry Regiment. He is a member of the Royal Yacht Squadron. His home is at Tetbury, Gloucestershire.

Mr. Wates is the Chairman of Wates Limited, building and civil engineering contractors and an underwriting mem- ber of Lloyd's. In the last war, he served on the War Office committee which de- signed the Mulberry harbour. He is a keen yachtsman, and his yacht Fedalah won the Britannia Cup in 1960.

Commander H. F. P. Grenfell, D.S.C., R.N., Commander Oscar Henderson, C.V.O., D.S.O., R.N., and Mr. M. Arnet Robinson have been elected vice-presid- ents of the Institution. All three were co-opted to the Committee of Manage- ment in 1948..