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North Sunderland, Northumberland.

At ten o'clock on the morning of the 16th of February, 1961, the mechanic informed the honorary secretary that the motor vessel Calvijn of The Hague was aground on Newton Point. At 10.20, when the life-boat Howard D, on tem- porary duty at the station, was launched, there was a gentle west-south-westerly wind with a slight sea. It was half an hour after low water. The life-boat reached the Dutch vessel at 11.15, and her master asked the coxswain to land his wife and children and one member of the crew and then return and stand by. On her return the life-boat towed the Calvijn clear of the rocks and beached her at Amble. The Amble life-boat later relieved the North Sunderland life-boat, which returned to her station at 11.50 that night..