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Awards to Honorary Workers

Honorary Life-Governors The following have been appointed honor- ary life-governors of the Institution and pre- sented with a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum and signed by H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent as President of the Institution.

MRS. O. M. LLOYD, in recognition of the valuable help which she has given to the life- boat service as an officer of the Conway and district branch since 1933 and having been associated with the service in Conway and Anglesey for 40 years.

ALDERMAN LADY E. M. ROBINSON, J.P., in recognition of the valuable help which she has given to the life-boat service as honorary sec- retary of the executive committee of the Man- chester and district branch and also as presi- dent and chairman of the Stretford branch since 1931.

Thanks of the Institution on Vellum The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum have been accorded to the following honorary secretaries of life-boat stations on their retirement: Miss M. C. BURTON, Beaumaris.


MR. EDGAR LAW, Blackpool.

Barometer The barometer with an inscription has been awarded to: MR. D. THOMPSON, Cloughey.

Binoculars The binocular glass with an inscription has been awarded to the following honorary sec- retaries of life-boat stations: MR. D. BANCROFT, Tenby.

MR.!. S. KERMODE, J.P., F.B.A.A., Douglas.

MR. J. L. McNAUOHTON, LL.B., Buckie.


MR. T. W. A. SWALLOW, North Sunderland.

MR. J. TYRRELL, M.I.N.A., Arklow.

Bar to the Gold Badge The bar to the gold badge has been awarded to: MR. R. D. BRAY, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Bognor Regis Branch.

Gold Badge The gold badge has been awarded to: MR. B. H. BROWN, Chairman, Cullercoats Branch.

MRS. R. S. CARMAN, Llanelly Branch.

MRS. J. L. COALES, Honorary Secretary, Newport Pagnell Branch.

CAPTAIN J. H. EVANS, Honorary Secretary, Cardigan Branch.

MRS. H. S. FORD, Honorary Secretary, Margate Guild.

MRS. J. W. GIBSON, President, Hale Branch.

MRS. P. HAMLEY-ROWAN, Honorary Secre- tary, East Sheen and Barnes Branch.

MRS. J. HARTLEY, Chairman, Earby Guild.

MRS. NINIAN HILL, Vice-President, Edin- burgh Guild.

MRS. K. L. KENNETH, Honorary Secretary Ardrishaig Branch.

MR. A. O. KERNICK, Honorary Secretary Sennen Cove Branch.

MRS. G. P. LLOYD, Honorary Secretary Leominster Branch.

MRS. R. MAC&LL, Honorary Secretary, Littleborough Branch.

MRS. M. MACKINNON, Vice-President, Salt- coats Guild.

MRS. GILBERT MANSELL, Central London Branch.

MRS. G. F. NEWMAN, Heston and Isleworth Branch.

CAPTAIN G. B. PIGGOTT, D.L., J.P., Honor- ary Secretary, Barmouth Branch MR. C. J. QUINTON, M.B.E., Honorary Treasurer, Civil Service Life-boat Fund.

MRS. G. SAYERS, Chairman, Epsom and District Branch.

MR. E. SELBY DAVIDSON, Honorary Secre- tary, Tynemouth Branch.

MR. W. SMITH, Chairman, Buckie Branch MRS. G. TAYLOR, President, Altrincham Bowdon and District Guild.

MR. R. R. WILTON, Honorary Secretary, Padstow Branch.

Silver Badge The silver badge has been awarded to: MRS. G. R. ADDIE, Mottram and Broad- bottom.

MR. J. D. ADDISON, Grange-over-Sands.

Miss R. B. ADDLESHAW, Sidmouth.

Miss A. K. ALLINSON, Windsor.

MRS. G. ASHTON, J.P., Dunstable.

MRS. A. BANKS, Campbeltown.

Miss C. A. BARRETT, Cheltenham.

MRS. H. BEAUMONT, Meltham.

MR. TOM F. BEVAN, Lynmouth.

MRS. E. F. M. BOND, Preston.

MRS. E. H. BRAITHWAITE, Plymouth Appeals Committee.

MRS. B. M. I. SURGE, K.I.H., Camberley.

MRS. W. E. BURRELL, Camborne.

MR. V. M. G. DE Vic CAREY, M. A., B. en. D., St. Peter Port.

Miss ANNE S. CROSS, Beaumaris.

Miss GLADYS M. CROSS, Beaumaris.

MRS. C. C. DAVIS, Brechin.

Miss E. DOBIE, Dunoon.

MRS. D. DUNCAN, Brechin.

MR. J. WOODRUFFS EAGLE, Walton and Frinton.

MRS. G. FAVIELL, Godafming.

MRS. J. R. GARSIDE, Golcar.

Miss E. D. GILBERT, Bath.

MRS. J. S. GODDARD, Mottram and Broad- bottom.

MR. W. GRAHAM, Girvan.

MR. A. J. GREENSLADE, The Lizard.

Miss N. GULLINE, Garlieston.

MRS. E. L. HAYLETT, Caister.

MR. DOUGLAS HILL, Nottingham.

MRS. E. HODSON, Haslingden.

CAPTAIN E. H. HOPKINSON, O.B.E., R.N. (Retd.), Walmer.

Miss J. A. JAMES, Paignton.

CAPTAIN J. H. JENN, Clovelly.

MRS. P. JOHNSON, Mansfield.

Miss B. C. JONES, Seaford.

MR. R. KEARON, Arklow.

MRS. E. KNOX, Portrush.

MRS. E. LAWTON, Mottram and Broad- bottom.

MR. A. H. LINDSAY, Alloa.

MRS. E. C. LISTER, Plymouth Appeals Com- mittee.

LIEUT.-COLONEL W. LOGAN, Hythe and Dymchurch.

MR. W. F. G. LORD, B.L., Edinburgh.

Miss I. D. MACKENZIE, Eastbourne.

MRS. A. E. N. MACLEOD, Leven.


MRS. M. MAIN, Oban.

MRS. J. S. MAUGHAN, Wimbledon and Dis- trict.

MRS. D. M'GONIGLE, Stockton.

MRS. H. MILLER, Inverness.

MR. G. MINAHAN, Limerick.

MissE. M. MOBERLY, Bideford (Appiedore).

MR. G. MODIN, Bexhill-on-Sea.

MRS. D. M. MOIR, Dover.

MRS. W. L. NIXON, St. Helens.

MRS. E. PILKINGTON, Barnoldswick.

MR. W. C. PRETHERO, Barry Dock.

MR. G. RABSON, New Romney.

MR. A. S. ROOKE, North Mayo.

MR. J. S. SARGEANT, Boston.

MRS. K. SANDERS, Burnham (Bucks).

Miss G. O. SAUNDERS, Blyth.

MR. G. SCAMELL, Walton and Frinton.

MR. A. J. SCHERMULY, Walmer.

Miss M. E. SIMPSON, Wooler (Berwick- upon-Tweed).

Miss M. K. SLOCOMBE, Eastbourne.

COMMANDER D. V. SUTTON, R.D., R.N.R., Great Yarmouth and Gorleston.

MRS. A. SWAN, Forest Row.

MR. L. THORNE, The Lizard.

MR. N. TRUMBLE, Basildon.

Miss M. TUNN, St. Albans.

MRS. A. E. TURNER, New Romney and Rom- ney Marsh.

MR. A. E. TURNER, New Romney and Rom- ney Marsh.

MRS. A. WESTCOTT-PITT, Dunmore East..