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Douglas, Isle of Man. At 9.25 on the evening of the 20th of January, 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the fishing boat Ailsea was off Douglas Head in difficulties.

A moderate south-east wind was blow- ing with a choppy sea. It was raining.

At 9.38 the life-boat R. A. Colby Cubbin No. 1 was launched on a flooding tide.

She found the Ailsea two miles south of Douglas Head with her engine broken down and her fishing gear fouling either her rudder or her propeller. The life- boat made several attempts to take the fishing boat in tow in such a way that the fishing gear would be freed. This proved unsuccessful and she then towed the Ailsea into Douglas harbour and berthed her near Edward pier. The AilsecCs gear was now lying at the bottom of the harbour and was a danger to shipping. The life-boat was asked to tow the gear clear, but this was found to be impossible. Finally the Ailsea's engines were restarted and she was able to pick up her gear. The life- boat finally reached her station at three o'clock in the morning..