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A Speed Boat and Heidi

Walmer, Kent. At 3.15 on the after- noon of the 19th of February, 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary sec- retary that a speedboat had capsized opposite Deal coastguard station about half a mile off shore. The life-boat Charles Dibdin (Civil Service No. 32) was launched five minutes later in a light south-westerly wind and a slight sea. It was two hours after high water. When the life-boat reached the scene the speed- boat's occupants had already been picked up by the motor boat Heidi, but a rope had fouled the Heidi's propeller and she was drifting. The two rescued men were transferred to the life-boat and landed.

The life-boat then returned and took the speedboat on board nid the motor boat in tow. The life-boat returned to her station at 4.45..