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A Boat (1)

Aith, Shetlands. At 6.55 on the even- ing of the 8th of February, 1961, the honorary secretary was informed that two men had gone to an uninhabited island earlier that day in a small boat.

As the weather had deteriorated con- siderably and nothing had been heard of them, anxiety was felt for their safety.

Efforts had been made to launch a boat to search for them, but conditions had prevented this. When the life-boat The John and Frances Macfarlane put out at 7.35 there was a strong south-westerly wind with a rough sea and it was two hours before low water. Soon after nine o'clock the two men were sighted in the beam of the life-boat's searchlight on the lee side of the island. They were taken on board the life-boat, which took their boat in tow. The life-boat reached her station at 11.55..