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Two New District Organising Secretaries

Miss T. H. Ashe has been appointed district organizing secretary for Wales, and Wing-Commander E. J. Brooks, D.F.C., district organizing secretary for the Midlands.

Miss Ashe succeeds Lieut.-Colonel V. M. Lewis, M.C., who has retired after twenty-eight years in the service of the Institution. The previous district organizing secretary for the Midlands was Mr. D. L. Hobbs, who was appointed in 1957, but who left the Institution to take up another appoint- ment.

Miss Ashe, who was brought up near Beddgelert in North Wales, took an honours degree in economics at the London School of Economics and worked for a number of years as a hos- pital almoner in the London area. In 1943 she joined the Women's Royal Naval Service, being commissioned in 1945. She remained in the service until 1960, when she retired.

Wing-Commander Brooks served for six years in the Merchant Navy before the last war and was commissioned in the Royal Air Force in 1935. He served in R.A.F. Coastal Command and also as liaison officer both with the Royal Navy and with the United States Air Force. After the war he was engaged on historical research work with Sir Arthur Bryant and in the production of basic reference books for the Air Ministry..