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New Members of Committee of Management

COMMANDER SIR REGINALD LEEDS, Bt, R.N., and Mr. H. A. W. Oughton, O.B.E., have been co-opted members of the Committee of Management of the Institution.

Sir Reginald Leeds served in both the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, entering the Royal Navy in 1914 and retiring from the Royal Air Force in 1924. He became a member of the London Stock Exchange in 1928 and returned to active service in the Royal Navy in the last war. In 1952 he was appointed High Sheriff of Devon.

Mr. Oughton, who is chairman and managing director of W. S. Crawford Ltd., joined this firm in 1914. He became a director in 1929 and chairman and managing director in 1950. Among a wide range of important posts which he holds in the advertising world are those of President of the Advertising Association and a member of the Export Publicity Council of the Board of Trade..