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Fishing Boats (1)

Bridlington, Yorkshire. At 4.40 on the morning of the 10th of November, 1960, the coxswain told the honorary secretary that there were four local fishing boats at sea. The weather had deteriorated rapidly and the sky was overcast, with rain. A southerly gale was blowing and the sea was rough. At seven o'clock, when the fishing boats were seen returning, the life-boat Tittle Morrison, Sheffield II was launched. It was two hours before high water and the wind against the tide had caused a very heavy sea. The life-boat stood by in the harbour for a time to await the fishing boats, and at 8.20 she left the harbour and escorted three boats in turn to to safety. At 9.30 she left the harbour once more to escort the fourth boat in. She finally returned to her station at noon..