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The United States Troopship General Randall

Thurso, Caithness-shire. At 4.50 on the afternoon of the 10th of July, 1960, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the United States troop- ship General Randall was passing through the Pentland Firth with a badly injured man aboard, who had to be land- ed for hospital treatment. The life-boat Pentland (Civil Service No. 31) was launched at 5.40 in a fresh south- easterly breeze and a moderate sea. It was one hour after high water. A rendezvous with the troopship was made in Thurso Bay, and the injured man and a medical officer were trans- ferred to the life-boat and landed.

The medical officer was later taken back to the ship. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 7.30. Rewards to the crew, £7 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, etc., £3 9s..