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Shetland Life-Boat on View In London

THE new life-boat being built for Aith, Shetland Islands, will be exhibited at the International Boat Show, sponsored by the Daily Express, at Earls Court in London, from the 4th to the 14th of January, 1961. Space to exhibit this boat has been kindly donated by the Ship and Boat Builders' National Federation.

The boat, which will have been com- pleted at the yards of Messrs. J. Samuel White at Cowes, in the Isle of Wight shortly before the show, is one of the 52-feet Barnett class, the largest type of life-boat in service today. She is driven by two 72 h.p. diesel engines.

After being on show the life-boat will return to Cowes and will then make the passage to Aith, which is the most northerly of all the Institution's life- boat stations, under her own power..