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Ros Bui

Valentia, Co. Kerry. At 7.30 on the evening of the 6th of August, 1960, a message was received from Valentia radio that the fishing boat Ros Bui was drifting two miles south of Puffin Head and needed immediate help. The life- boat Rowland Watts put out at 7.45 in a moderate north-easterly breeze and a calm sea. The tide was ebbing. The life-boat found the fishing boat six miles south of Puffin Head. The boat, which had a crew of six, had engine trouble.

The life-boat towed her into Portmagee quay and arrived back at her station at 12.10 early on the 7th of August.

Rewards to the crew, £9 12s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, 16s..