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Galway Bay. On the evening of the 8th of September, 1960, the island medical officer asked for the help of the life-boat Mabel Marion Thompson to take a sick woman from the Middle Island to the mainland for hospital treatment. No other suitable boat was available, and the life-boat left her moorings at 8.30. There was a strong south-south-westerly breeze with a heavy swell and an ebb tide. The sick woman was taken on board with diffi- culty, and the life-boat made first forKilronan to land the doctor. As the state of the weather and tide prevented her from reaching Rossaveal pier, she then made for Galway, where the woman was landed. The life-boat finally reached her station at 5.35 the next morning. Rewards to the crew, £19 Is.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 Is. Refunded to the Institu- tion by the Galway County Council..