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Ilfracombe, Devon. At 4.45 on the afternoon of the 4th of September, 1960, a report was received that two boys were cut off by the rising tide at Broad Cove. Owing to rough seas it was not possible for a boat to come close inshore, and the boys were warned to remain where they were until the tide turned, when they would be able to climb back over the rocks. Almost immediately afterwards a message was received from the coastguard that three other children were cut off by the tide at Lee and that the life-boat might be needed. At six o'clock a further report was received from passengers landing from a pleasure steamer that two youths with a blue canoe were ashore at Brandy Cove. It was ascertained that a cance had left Ilfracombe at two o'clock but had not returned, and this seemed the most urgent call. At 6.35 the life-boat Robert and Phemia Brown was launched in a moderate sea and a fresheningnorth-westerly wind. The tide was ebb- ing. The two youths, who had been in the canoe, were seen in the breakers at Brandy Cove. It was impossible, owing to the state of the sea, for the life-boat to come close inshore, and the youths were hauled off through the breakers.

At 7.35 a further message was received from the police asking for help in the search for the children missing at Lee.

The life-boat searched the area from Lee to Bull Point lighthouse without success, and she finally reached her station at 8.50. The two boys reported to have been cut off by the tide made their own way back. Rewards to the crew, £8 8s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £12 6s..