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New Life-Boat Station Opened

THE Duke of Richmond and Gordon opened the new life-boat house at the recently completed station at Selsey, Sussex, at a ceremony on the 18th of July, 1960. Earl Howe, Chairman of the Committee Management of the Institution, gave an address, the Rev.

E. Gearey, chairman of the branch, taking the chair. The Rev. E. G. Wells, Vicar of South Bersted, dedicated the new boat-house, and Mr. A. G.

Doggart proposed a vote of thanks.

The new station, which had to be built because of the effects of coast erosion, has cost some £75,000. In 1925 the Selsey life-boat house was situated on land, but over the years piles had to be provided to support it, and a gangway had to be constructed to breach the gap between the boat- house and the land. This gangway with its approach eventually became 270 yards long. The depredations of the sea continued, and finally it became clear that a completely new station would have to be built..