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Fishing Boats

Hastings, Sussex. At eight o'clock on the evening of the 8th of August, 1960, the police informed the honorary secretary that a fishing vessel had towed an unexploded bomb on to the beach at the fishing stage. After discussion with the police, it was decided to launch the life-boat to warn the fishing fleet as they returned from fishing. The life- boat M.T.C. was launched at eight o'clock. It was high water, there were light north-westerly airs, and the sea was smooth. The life-boat patrolled the area, and at 12.15, when the bomb no longer presented any danger, she began to escort the fishing boats to their berths. The weather was then deterior- ating. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 1.15. Rewards to the crew, £17 5s.; rewards to the helpers on shore, £20 10s..