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A Sailing Dinghy

Holyhead, Anglesey. At 4.9 on the afternoon of the 24th of July, 1960, the coastguard informed the honorary secre- tary that a sailing dinghy had capsized two miles north-west of Penrhos beach and that her crew of two were clingingto her. The life-boat White Star, on temporary duty at the station, was launched five minutes later in a moder- ate southerly breeze and a moderate sea.

Visibility was poor. It was low water.

The dinghy was found, and the two men, who were suffering badly from exhaus- tion and exposure, were picked up. The life-boat took the dinghy in tow and arrived back at her station at 4.47.

Rewards to the crew, £6; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3 12s..