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A Sailing Boat and a Rowing Boat

Bembridge, Isle of Wight. At 3.36 on the afternoon of the 21st of July, 1960, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a dismasted sailing boat had been reported off Bramble buoy andthat her crew of two were asking for help. The life-boat Jesse Lumb was launched at 3.42 in a strong south- westerly breeze and a rough sea. The tide was half ebb. On her way to the position the life-boat picked up the four occupants of a rowing boat, which was in difficulties off Seaview. A later message stated that the sailing boat had gone ashore between Hill Head and Lee- on-Solent and that her crew of two were safe. The life-boat was recalled and arrived back at her station at 6.50.

Rewards to the screw, £8 8s.; rewards to the helpers on shore. £3 5s..