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A Rowing Boat

Port Erin, Isle of Man. At 6.10 on the evening of the 8th of September, 1960, the second coxswain told the honorary secretary that a rowing boat was reported missing and might be in difficulties between Bradda Head and Flirlwick Bay. The life-boat Matthew Simpson was launched at 7.23 in a fresh south-south-westerly breeze with a cor- responding sea and an ebb tide. When the life-boat found the rowing boat, her occupant, who had lost the outboard motor overboard and had been rowing against the tide for some hours, was exhausted. He was taken on board the life-boat, which towed the dinghy back to Port Erin. The life-boat returned to her station at 8.10. Rewards to the crew, £8; rewards to the helpers on shore, £4 4s..