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A Dinghy

Plymouth, Devon. At 1.45 early on the morning of the 13th of July, 1960, the coastguard told the coxswain thata dinghy with two naval ratings return- ing to their ship was missing. The life- boat Thomas Forehead and Mary Rowse put out at 1.57 in a strong southerly breeze and a rough sea. There were heavy rain squalls. It was two hours before low water. The life-boat carried out an extensive search in co-operation with other craft, using flares and her searchlight. Shortly after daylight the life-boat found the dinghy, which she recovered. The two ratings had swum safely ashore after their dinghy had capsized in the rough sea about two hundred yards off shore. The life-boat reached her station at 6.15. Rewards to the crew, £12 16s..