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Two Sailing Dinghies

Swanage, Dorset, At 1.30 on the afternoon of the 14th of May, 1960, two sailing dinghies, one fitted with an outboard motor and each with two people on board, left Swanage Bay for Ringstead Bay near Weymouth. The dinghies belonged to the Army Sailing Association at Bovington Camp, Dorset, and the crews consisted of three army cadets with a sergeant in charge. A member of the life-boat crew was watching the dinghies in Durlston Bay when the outboard motor broke down. He contacted the cox- swain, and at 2.40 the life-boat R.L.P.

was launched. The tide was half ebb, and there was a light south-westerly wind with a choppy sea and some ground swell. The life-boat reached the dinghies, which were flying a red pull- over on an oar to attract attention.

She took them in tow to Swanage, which she reached at 4.18. The Army authorities had arranged transport to take the sergeant and the three boys to camp at Ringstead. A letter of apprecia- tion was received from the cadets' commanding officer. Rewards to the crew, £7 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £2 12s..