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The S.S. Bosworth

Shoreham Harbour, Sussex. At five o'clock on the afternoon of the 14th of April, 1960, the shipping agents for the s.s. Bosworth, of London, asked the honorary secretary if the life-boat could be launched to bring ashore a man from the steamer who had been badly burnt. At 6.20 the life-boat Rosa Woodd and Phyllis Lunn was launched with a doctor on board two hours before low water in a gentle west- south-westerly wind and a slight sea.

The life-boat met the Bosworth six and a half miles east of Owers lightvessel.

The injured man, who was the ship's cook, was transferred to her and landed at Shoreham at 10.45. An ambulance [ was waiting to take him to hospital. The owners made a donation to the branch funds. Rewards to the crew, £14 16s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £4 9s..