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Sunbeam and Bairn's Pride

Arbroath, Angus. On the morning of the 2nd of April, 1960, anxiety was felt for the safety of two fishing boats, Sunbeam and Bairn's Pride, which were lobster fishing off the harbour. It was an hour and a half after high water, there was a strong south-easterly wind, and the sea was very rough. Weather conditions were deteriorating rapidly, and at 8.30 the life-boat The Duke of Montrose was launched. She escorted the Bairn's Pride into harbour, but by the time the Sunbeam appeared off the harbour it was almost low water.

The Sunbeam's skipper was advised to wait for the flood tide, and at one o'clock the life-boat put out again.

She escorted the Sunbeam into harbour and reached her station at 2.50. Re- wards to the crew, £14 5s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £1 16s..