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Weston-super-Mare, Somerset. At 1.20 on the afternoon of the 8th of May, 1960, the police told the honorary secretary that a man had fallen into the sea from the cliffs at Brean Down.

As the exact position was not known, the police made further enquiries, which led them to give the position as the shoreward end of the down on the Weston side. The life-boat reached this position and found a man on the shore. He was taken on board and told the coxswain that a companion, with whom he had been bathing on the Weston mud flats, had disappeared.

The man was landed at Uphill and handed over to the care of the police.

The life-boat then carried out a search for the second man accompanied by ahelicopter, but he could not be found.

The life-boat reached her station at 5.25. Rewards to the crew, £9 16s. : rewards to the helpers on shore, £5 5s..