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Little Ouse

The following account of a service carried out by the Longhope, Orkneys, life-boat on the 26th of March, 1960, was received too late for inclusion in the June 1960 number of the Life-boat : At 5.5 in the afternoon, the coast- guard informed the honorary secretary that the trawler Little Ouse had engine trouble three miles south-west of the Old Man of Hoy. At 5.25 the life-boat Thomas McCunn was launched two hours after low water in a light easterly breeze and a calm sea. When she reached the trawler she found the engine had been repaired. The trawler was able to proceed at eight knots and was escorted by the life-boat until she was clear of Torness. The life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at 7.45. Rewards to the crew, £10 10s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3 14s..