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H.M. Submarine Undine

Penlee, Cornwall. At 10.15 on the morning of the 19th of May, 1960, a message was received that there was a sick German seaman on board H.M.

submarine Undine and that a request had been made for the life-boat to land him. The sick man had been taken off the motor vessel Saarland four hundred miles from Lands End. A rendezvous v,as arranged with H.M.S. Undine, and at 8.15 the life-boat W. and S. left Newlyn with a doctor and ambulance men on board. It was low water, and there was a moderate easterly wind and a slight sea. The submarine was met four and a half miles south-east of Penzance, where the seaman, who was suffering from appendicitis, was trans- ferred to the life-boat. He was landed at Newlyn at 9.25. The owners of the Saarland made a gift to the Institution's fund. Rewards to the crew, £8 8s. ; reward to the helper on shore, 12s..