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Humber, Yorkshire. At 2.50 on the afternoon of the 20th of June, 1960, the coastguard informed the coxswain superintendent that a boy on board the motor vessel Gloxinia of North Shields had suspected appendicitis and needed medical attention. At 3.15 the life- boat City of Bradford HI was launched, half an hour before high water, in a light east-by-northerly wind and a slight sea. She met the vessel two miles south of Spurn Point, where the boy was transferred to the life-boat. He was landed at Spurn and taken by ambulance to hospital. The life-boat reached her station at 4.10. Next morning the shipping agents informed the coxswain superintendent that the boy had had a successful operation and was progressing satisfactorily. They expressed their thanks for the help given. Paid permanent crew..