Fishing Boats (2)
Bridlington, Yorkshire. On the 12th of May, 1960, nine local motor fishing boats put to sea at four o'clock in the morning to enable the fishermen to attend to their crab pots. A fresh easter- ly wind was blowing, and during the morning the weather deteriorated. By two o'clock in the afternoon the wind, which was blowing from the south- south-east, had increased and there was a correspondingly rough sea. At 2.25 the life-boat Tillie Morrison, Sheffield II was launched at low water just as the fishing vessels arrived outside the harbour. She escorted them all safely in. The life-boat was placed at moor- ings at 5.23 and rehoused at 9.40. Re- wards to the crew. £11 8s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore £13 5s..