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A Sailing Dinghy

Nevvhaven, Sussex. At 3.57 on the afternoon of the 16th of April, 1960, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a sailing dinghy had capsized in Seaford bay a quarter of a mile off Buckle Inn. The life-boat Kathleen Mary was launched at 4.10, two hours after high water, in a light north-easterly wind and a slight sea.

The dinghy was righted and towed ashore, her crew of two having already been saved by a rescue boat belonging to the local sailing club. While they were returning to their station the life- boat crew saw another dinghy capsize, and the coxswain altered course to make for her. The dinghy's sole occupant was taken on board the life-boat. His dinghy was then righted, and the life- boat towed it ashore to Buckle Inn, where the man was landed. The life- boat reached her station at six o'clock.

Rewards to the crew, £9 ; rewards to the helpers on shore £3 13s..