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A Raft

Rhyl, Flintshire. At 6.37 on the evening of the 22nd of June, 1960, the coastguard passed on to the honorarysecretary a report from the Rhyl police that a child was adrift on a rubber raft, which was floating out to sea off the Golden Sands holiday camp at Towyn.

At 6.45 the life-boat Anthony Robert Marshall was launched and made for the position given. She found the raft at 7.8 with two children on it.

They were quickly taken on board the life-boat, and the coxswain sent a radio-telephone message to the honor- ary secretary asking for a doctor and an ambulance to meet him. The life-boat reached her station at 7.50, and the children were treated for exhaustion and taken to hospital. Rewards to the crew, £6 ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £5 9s..