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A Canoe (1)

Hartlepool, Co. Durham. At 11.20 on the morning of the 30th of April, 1960, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the police at Seaton Carew had reported that two boys and two girls in a canoe were in difficulties and drifting towards South Gare.

The life-boat Princess Royal (Civil Service No. 7) was launched at 11.36, two hours before low water, in a light north-westerly wind and a slight sea.

The coxswain found the canoe with one youth in it, the other three young people having been landed on Seaton sands. The youth was trying to paddle the canoe round North Gare break- water into the Tees when the life-boat arrived. This was a dangerous manoeuvre because of the strong spring ebb tide and the rocks at the end of the breakwater. The young man and his canoe were taken on board the life-boat and landed at Hartlepool at 1.13.

Because of the state of the tide the life- boat entered the Victoria dock and was not rehoused until 3.15. Rewards to the crew, £8 15s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £2 11s..