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The Admiralty Mooring Vessel Moorpout

Stornoway, Hebrides. At 10.45 on the night of the 30th of January, 1960, the coastguard informed the honorary sec- retary that the Admiralty mooring vessel Moorpout, which intended to call at Stornoway at midnight to land a sick man, needed a pilot. As the weather conditions were too bad for the pilot boat to put out, the life-boat The James and Margaret Boyd was launched at 11.45 in a south-easterly wind of nearly gale force. The sea was rough, and it was two hours after high water. The Moorpout was eventually anchored in Stornoway bay, and the sick man was transferred to the life-boat, which brought him ashore. The life-boat reached her moorings at 1.30. Rewards to the crew, £8 15s..