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Stella Mary

Wicklow. At 4.15 on the afternoon of the llth of February, 1960, the coxswain was informed that a motor vessel which had engine trouble needed a tug. Her position was three miles north-east of Wicklow Head. As no tug was available the life-boat J. W.

Archer was launched. It was low water, with a fresh to strong east-north- easterly blowing and a rough sea. The life-boat reached the motor vessel Stella Mary, and the coxswain put a man aboard her. The life-boat then escorted her to harbour. At the en- trance to the harbour the Stella Mary got into difficulties, and two more men were put on board to help secure her to the east pier. After the Stella Mary had been moored the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 5.35. Pro- perty salvage case..