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Rachel Douglas

Eyemouth, Berwickshire ; and Ber- wick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland. At 11.25 on the night of the 15th of February, 1960, the coastguard in- formed the honorary secretary at Eyemouth that a boat was in distress four miles east of Burnmouth. At 11.35 the life-boat Clara and Emily Harwell was launched in a strong north- north-westerly wind. There was a heavy swell, and it was an hour and a half after low water. The honorary secretary at Berwick-upon-Tweed was also notified, and the life-boat William and Mary Durham was launched at 12.2 early on the 16th of February.

The Eyemouth life-boat found the motor fishing vessel Rachel Douglas of Seahouses escorted her into Burn- mouth harbour, and reached her station at 2.30. The Berwick-upon-Tweed life- boat reached her station at 1.20. Re- wards to the crew : Eyemouth, £12 ; Berwick-upon-Tweed, £8 15s. Re- wards to the helpers on shore : Eye- mouth. £6 12s. : Berwick-upon-Tweed, £1 4s..