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Normanby Hall

Arktow, Co. Wicklow. At 11.48 on the night of the 19th of January, 1960, the honorary secretary received a message from Valentia radio that the motor vessel Normanby Hall of Chester, which was eight miles east-south-east of ,A rklow, needed help immediately as she had lost her propeller. At 12.14 early i-n the 20th of January the life-boat // bhear Mor was launched in a strong orth-easterly wind. There was a rough La, and it was half an hour after low water. At 1.40 the life-boat reached the casualty and found the s.s. Rockabill preparing to take her in tow. The life- boat stood by, and the tow was connec- ted by 2.45. The two vessels escorted by the life-boat then proceeded on a course towards Dublin. At four o'clock the master of the Normanby Hall informed the coxswain that he did not need the life-boat to escort her any longer, and the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 6.30. Rewards to the crew, £18 5s. ; rewards to the helpers on shore, £3 12s..